Paolo Ruffilli
Paolo Ruffilli was born in 1949. He has studied modern literature at the University of Bologna. After a period of teaching in the university for creative writing, he became an editor with the publisher Garzanti in Milan and is presently the general editor of the Edizioni del Leone in Venice.
His draws is inspiration for his poetry from the Society, human relationships and Civil Arguments. He has been conferred with the ‘American Poetry Price’, ‘Montale Award’, ‘European Award’, ‘Poetry-Philosophy Award’ and the ‘Viareggio Award’.
Starting in 1972, he has published ten volumes of poetry. His works in English translations include: ‘Joy and Mourning’ (Dedalus Press 2004); ‘Like it or no’ (Bordighera Press 2007) and Dark room (Bordighera Press, 2012). He has also published two story books, ‘Preparativi per la partenza’ (2003) and Un’altra vita (2010) and a novel, ‘L’isola e il sogno’ (2011), and essays. His has translated works from english of Spenser, Shakespeare, Donne, Milton, E. Brönte, Gibran, Tagore and a lot of contemporary poets.
His published works of Poetry include: ‘Piccola colazione’ (Garzanti, 1987; American Poetry Prize), ‘Diario di Normandia’ (Amadeus, 1990; Premio Montale e Premio Camaiore), ‘Camera oscura’ (Garzanti, 1992; Premio Dessì), Nuvole (con foto di F. Roiter; Vianello Libri, 1995), La gioia e il lutto (Marsilio, 2001; Prix Europé en, Premio Giovanni Pascoli), Le stanze del cielo (Marsilio, 2008; Premio Rhegium Julii), Natura morta (Nino Aragno Editore, 2012, Poetry-Philosophy Award), Variazioni sul tema (Aragno, 2014, Premio Viareggio).
His works of Fiction include: Preparativi per la partenza (Marsilio, 2003; Premio delle Donne); Some of his highlighted published essays in Italian are: ‘Vita amori e meraviglie del signor Carlo Goldoni’ (Camunia, 1993); in English (Morris, Emily e Charlotte Bronte, Dickens, G. Eliot, Compton-Burnett, Lawrence), per Garzanti, Mondadori, Rizzoli. His Translation include: K. Gibran, ‘Il Profeta’ (San Paolo, 1989), R. Tagore, ‘Gitanjali’ (San Paolo, 1993) and ‘La Musa Celeste’: un secolo di poesia inglese da Shakespeare a Milton (San Paolo, 1999).
Poems by Paolo Ruffilli
Videos of Paolo Ruffilli