The Woman of the Sweet Tears

You are the woman of the sweet tears

Every single gesture is a light flame

You are the shadow, you are the cat that flees and then returns

You are the impact of the train against the overhanging branches

An alembic full of mercury and sulphur

boils at night between your perfect breasts

How many alchemists have lost their lungs

pursuing the fumes of your sweaty body!

You are the woman that dictates the rhythm of the seasons,

that halves the lapse between one of my heartbeats and the next

You are Venus rising from a lava flow

You are Psyche holding the lamp aglow

You trample the earth without even realizing

that at every step you take, a garden springs forth

For your hair the wind thanks God

for having given it a reason to live

I dance

I dance the dance of brilliant ideas

hoping that you will tell me something new

I dance the dance of the losers and the lost

knowing that my steps will be in vain

I dance the dance of the happy naive

thinking that my sweat will help somebody

I dance the dance of the profiteers

and I will dance until you’ll pay me

And I dance I dance I dance

to overcome my arrogance

I dance I dance I dance

the why has no importance

I dance the dance of the damned

because the spleen reaches my thorax

I dance the dance of the presumptuous

Because you too are one of them if you think you’re in my league

I dance the dance of the undesired

I’ve trained myself a lot in front of closed doors

I dance the dance of the intolerants

Can you move over a little, please?

And I dance I dance I dance

until I’ll remain standing

I dance I dance I dance

because it’s you who are asking