Teach me how to love because I lost my heart.
Teach me the peace because I live in the conflict.
Teach me to see the light, because the darkness made me blind.
Dear brother, tell me where you live.
I know where your body is,
but tell me, I plead you, where does your heart rest?
Does it rest on that rugged mountain?
Does it rest in the breath of the wind?
Or in the snow which covers every pain.
Tell me, I plead with you, where does your heart rest?
Tell me, I plead with you, how can I recognize you in the world’s lanes?
Give me a sign or a clue….
Do not be silent, I plead with you.
Do not go away without any consolation at the end of your own day.
If the glance is dumb, words do not have any meaning,
If the eyes are empty, we do not need to have a name.
If the hands are closed, where can the heart lead us?
Dear brother, tell me where you live.
I know where your body is,
but tell me, I plead with you, where does your heart rest?
Do not tell me that it rests in the desert or in the depth of the black waters.
Do not tell me that your sunset came before you could enjoy the sunrise.
If this is your destiny, dear brother, who would be responsible,
which destiny, which law, which sky?