Browsing Category: Genre – Environment

Genre - Environment, Genre - Happiness, PH 2020 (Poems), Poems - English, Poems by Niels Hav

Hunting Lizards in the Dark

Genre - Environment, Genre - Hope, Genre - Humanity, PH 2016 (Poems), Poems - English, Poems by Prof. Kithaka Wa Mberia

No Farewell to Dreaming

Genre - Environment, Genre - Hope, Genre - Humanity, Genre - Peace, PH 2016 (Poems), Poems - English, Poems by Prof. Kithaka Wa Mberia


Genre - Culture, Genre - Environment, Genre - Memories, PH 2014 (Poems), Poems by Purnima Varman

The Day – Today/आज दिन

Genre - Culture, Genre - Environment, Genre - Memories, PH 2014 (Poems), Poems by Purnima Varman

The Rain in the City/ शहर में बरसात

Chemmanam Chacko, Genre - Culture, Genre - Environment, Genre - Humanity, Genre - Imagination, Genre - Peace, Genre - Reflection, PH 2013 (Poems), Poems - English, Poems by Chemmanam Chacko

The Roots

by. Mr. Chemmanam Chacko Blows and cries ! children Batter each other to kill ! Damned ones ! won’t give [...]
Chemmanam Chacko, Genre - Culture, Genre - Environment, Genre - Imagination, Genre - Reflection, PH 2013 (Poems), Poems - English, Poems by Chemmanam Chacko

Inner Party Fight

by. Mr. Chemmanam Chacko Two swallows, Sloth and Dunce, Started an argument Which grew fierce. “It’s [...]
Chemmanam Chacko, Genre - Culture, Genre - Environment, Genre - Reflection, PH 2013 (Poems), Poems - English, Poems by Chemmanam Chacko

Traditional Custom

by. Mr. Chemmanam Chacko The dead body of a dog was lying in a busy road of the city for two days. No action was [...]
Genre - Environment, Genre - Happiness, Genre - Humanity, Genre - Imagination, Genre - Reflection, PH 2016 (Poems), Poems - English, Poems - Italian

Shadow March

Genre - Environment, Genre - Imagination, Genre - Reflection, PH 2016 (Poets), Poems - English, Poems - Kiswahili, Prof. Kithaka Wa Mberia

Rain Drops