When the opportunity to grow and change into something better arrives,
despite your doubts and fears,
you will recall that “there is no growth in comfort.” Like an ancient triangular-shaped sail of an Arabian dhow
that catches the wind to start a journey, you will say, “Yes.”
When you are granted a chance to travel to a place you have never been,
to see things you have never seen,
and hear the music of another culture,
you will feel the curious Ibn Battuta adventurer in you and say, “Yes.”
When your parents tell you to do something that is good for you—
and you know in your heart that they are right, even if your feelings think otherwise—you will understand that being kind to your parents
is a sacred duty in the land you all call home. And therefore, despite your feelings, you will say, “Yes.”
When you are in a position to help the poor and elderly, the weak, the refugee, and the ill, you will recognize that even the smallest support
in a time of need can change a person’s entire universe. And because of that, you will say, “Yes.”
When you have the chance to forgive someone, even when the other person would not do the same,
you will understand that forgiveness is more for you than it is for them.
That is why, when forgiveness whispers, “Use me,” you will reply, “Yes.”
When you are overworked, overstressed, anxious, and depressed, and an opportunity to rest and recover is presented to you,
despite your desire to soldier on,
you will put the project aside and say, “Yes.”
When you are old enough to clean your own room, prepare your own food, and wash your own clothes—
especially when it will help your family—and the time comes for you to take on that responsibility,
you will say, “Yes.”
When you go to bed tonight
and you have the opportunity to gift yourself the treasure of counting the blessings in your life—so that you may feel gratitude, thankfulness, and baraka—you will think of me, and say, “Yes.”