When you are told that you are not worth much, that you are useless, unoriginal, and just a nothing,
you will recall who you were—one in three hundred million before you were even born—and then you will say, “No.”
When life knocks you down and tells you to stay down, think of how every fall carries the promise of rising again,
how every low is destined to lead to a high. You will look life in the eye and tell it, in no uncertain terms, “No.”
When you are told that you are just another white, brown, yellow face
with nothing unique to offer this world, let your very fingerprints remind you—you are proof of individuality, a never-to-be-repeated masterpiece. With pride, you will say, “No.”
If someone asks you to do something
that feels wrong in your gut,
that will harm you or another innocent soul—no matter who that person is—
promise me this: you will stand firm, guided by your conscience.
Your eyes will speak as clearly as the sun shines in the day, and you will say, “No.”
When you are told that Gaza and Palestine have nothing to do with you,
recall that humanity is one body—
and when one part is hurt, the whole suffers. Know that when one of us falls, we all fall. With a confident voice, you will say, “No.”
When they place processed food before you, filled with sugar and chemicals, know that your body is a temple, deserving of respect.
Even when it’s hard to stay mindful,
you will honor yourself and say, “No.”
When your mind whispers that exercise isn’t for you, that your body is just a burden to carry, remind yourself: movement is medicine,
and like the stars guiding us through a dark night, it will lead you to strength.
You will push back against that voice and say, “No.”
When you work with dedication, passion, and purpose, driven to become the strongest version of yourself, despite all distractions pulling you away, hold fast to this truth: a complete you is a complete us. And therefore, you will say, “No.”