Unite for Sustainability
In the heart of nature’s sympathetic grace,
Where sun kissed smiles enriched each face,
There blooms a dream of vibrant hues,
A world sustained, where love renews.
Upon the canvas of the sky,
Where eagles roar and seagulls fly,
We carve a ledge, both deep and true,
To nurture Earth, in all we do.
In field where wildflowers gently oscillate,
And rivers hum a soothing lay,
We find a rhythm, pure and bright,
In living harmony, day, and night.
Recycling whispers through the gust,
As leaves dance ‘Neath the ancient trees,
In every leaf, in every stream,
Sustainability fuels our dreams.
The oceans broad, with depths unknown,
Where coral builds their secret throne,
A symphony of like profound,
In every undulation, life is found.
Each creature, be it wild or small,
Deserves a life, a rightful call,
To coincide in nature’s song,
A chorus where they all belong.
In classrooms filled with eager minds,
The seed of change, the future finds,
For knowledge disperse (sows) a hopeful seed,
In every heart, it takes a lead.
Sustainability, a guiding light,
In the stillness of the astral night,
A promise made, to Earth, we give,
To cherish, love, and let it live.
So, hand in hand, let’s strive, create,
A world where all can celebrate,
In every act, both big and small,
Sustainability, our frightened call.
About The Poet
Talal Badawy, a senior at Virginia International Private School with a strong interest in computer science. His accomplishments are that he has achieved 6th place in the annual hackathon competition, which has fueled his passion for studying, and he is eager to graduate and attempt to become the valedictorian of his school.