By : Azzeddine Mihoubi
Translated by : Ahcene Douas
Today you have lungs in every heart; with and without dye
And tell the one who was kneeling on my neck ‘I did not die’ I was counting minutes until a hundred..Eight, a half, a quarter and a second have passed..
And the sin comes like the wind..
And passing across the pavements of death..
I hear my voice in the grave
And a Foreteller wondering about in the garden
I see a curse ..
crows arround the coffin
And the murdered buried without dust
I see an adder
And the sound yearned for the asphalt of that street
I came in search of safety and retreat
for my daughter I was seeking for a toy
And between two colors.. a little bit of swinging joy ..
And the sol is sole
The sky when it expands, it dies.
Whenever the child closes his eyes ..
And the lips take a rest on the wings of the soul
I will die
Having two streets amongst you
I will scatter the phoenix’s ashes far away
And unmask you in the remains of the breathe out
In the a glimpse of the last pavement
Once the hands shut down in the eyes
It is Earth.. narrower than a disaster and a lie
They saw you saying goodbye..
And the distance between two deaths is an ascending sigh.
For ” Gianna” who screamed in “Minneapolis” street
“My dad is not dead ..”
My dad will change the ritual of words … “
And the color of eyes ..
And The evenings’ bliss
And he will declare in people that “whiteness /peace”
And that negritude is a song adored by whose blood is the fragrance from above
He dances not to sleep
“My father was not a racist …”
In his heart settles a dove
“Wave your hands until everyone sees you.”
And don’t hide in the crowd.
“There is no color for the air …”
No form of sorrow and the impossible tear .. “
In the jasmine parade
“Goodbye, Daddy…”
I breathe from your lungs
“To stay with me ..”
You are our gift in the sky
And you are the story of our eternal funeral..
And you are all the cry
“And you are our story in the evening of crying and fear ..”
Breathe.. “
And beseech good angels
To wipe away my tear
لكَ اليومَ في كلّ بيْتٍ رِئَهْ
وقلْ للّذي كانَ يجْثو برُكْبتهِ
“لمْ أمُتْ..
“كنتُ أُحُصي الدّقائقَ حتّى المِائَهْ..
“ثمانٍ ونصفٌ وربعٌ وثانيّةٌ..
“والخطيئَةُ كالرّيحِ تأتي
“وتعبُرُ أرصِفةً تتوزّعُ موْتي
“فأسمعُ في القبْرِ صوتي
“وألمحُ عرّافةً في الحديقةِ مُسْتَنْبِئَهْ
“أرى لعنَةً..
“والتّوابيتُ منْ حوْلِها أغْرِبَهْ
“والقتيلُ يوارَى بلا أَتْرِبَهْ
“أرى أُفعُوّانْ
“يشْتهَى الصّوتُ إسْفِلْتَ ذاكَ المَكانْ
“أنَا جئتُهُ باحثًا عن أمانْ
“وعنْ لُعبةٍ لابنتي
“وقليلٍ من الفرحِ المتأرجحِ ما بين لوْنَينِ..
“والشمسُ واحدةٌ
“والسّماءُ متى اتّسعتْ تَنْتَهِي..
“كلّمَا أغمضَ الطّفلُ عينيهِ..
“وارْتاحَتِ الشّفتانْ
“ولي بينَكُمْ شارعانْ
“سأذرُو رَمَادَ الفِينِيقِ بعيدًا..
“وأفضَحُكمْ في بقايَا الزّفيرْ
“وفي نظرةٍ للرّصيفِ الأخيرْ
“متى انطفأتْ في العُيونِ اليدانْ
هيَ الأرضُ أضيقُ مِنْ فاجِعَهْ
رأوْكَ تودّعُهمْ..
والمسَافةُ ما بينَ موْتينِ تنْهِيدَةٌ طالِعَهْ..
فإنّ “جِيَانَا” التي صَرَخَتْ في شوارِعِ “مِينْيَا”:
“أبِي لم يمُتْ..
“أبيِ سيُغيّرُ طقْسَ الكلاَمْ..
“ولونَ العيونِ..
“وصَحْوَ الأمَاسِي
“ويُعلنُ في النّاسِ أنَّ البيَاضَ / السّلامْ
“وأنّ الزُّنُوجَةَ أغنِيّةٌ يَشتهيهَا الّذي دَمُهُ العِطْرُ..
“يرقُصُ كيْ لا ينامْ
“أبي لمْ يكنْ “عُنصُريًّا“..
“فَفِي قلْبِهِ يَسْتَقِرُّ الحَمَامْ
“وَلَوِّحْ بكَفّيْكَ حتّى يرَاكَ الجميعُ
“ولا تختفِي في الزِّحامْ
“فلاَ لونَ للأُوكْسِجِينْ..
“ولاَ شَكْلَ للحُزنِ والدّمعَةِ المستحيلةِ..
“في موْكبِ الياسمينْ
“وداعًا أبي..
“إنّنِي أتنفّسُ منْ رِئَتَيْكَ
“لتبْقَى مَعِي..
“فأنتَ هديّتُنا في السَّماءْ
“وأنتَ حِكايةُ مأتمِنَا الأبديّ..
وأنتَ اختِزالُ البُكاءْ..
“وقُلْ للملائكةِ الطيّبينَ
“امْسَحُوا دمْعَتي..