Dogs and Wolves
By Wael Al Sayegh
Life is made up of a question
A single, simple question.
A question that is found
in the difference, between
dogs and wolves.
Dogs are domesticated creatures
Tamed, trained & dependent on others to feed, clean and shelter them. They start off as adorable little pups, and never change.
Wolves on the other hand are wild creatures
They are free, raw and independent.
They, like dogs, also start off as adorable little pups, but then, under a Divine full moon, they change!
In this fact is a great secret
for those awake enough to see.
Humans start off as children
And then they either change or they do not
One becomes a grown-up child & the other
A human adult
So the question
The simple, single question of life is,
which one, are you?