Tolerance: A Response To Diversity
The sea of humanity with waves so diverse
Makes me muse do I have the prowess?
To bear the onslaught of varied vibes
From cultures unknown and alien tribes
Whilst bear upon senses a myriad hues
A buoyant sense of warmth paints my views
‘Do as you would done by’ says the wise maxim
Forbearance in my being wells to the brim
Yet another soul in the Almighty maker’s image
With an innate need to be understood sans umbrage
I reach out, a smile in my eyes, a song on my lips
Joy abounds and mirrors in all my relationships
This amazing country, the UAE with tolerance as its core!
Blessed in so many ways, do we need anything more?
May this happy land be an epitome of qualities so great
I pray to the Almighty, for other nations to emulate.
About The Poet
Nameera represents the Springdales School. Reading being her favourite pastime , she likes to read fiction and nonfiction works alike. She currently serves as President Editorial on the Prefectural Board of her school.
Honesty, sincerity and kindness are some of the dominant traits in her personality. She loves to lend a helping hand to people in need and also express her views for a social cause.