Ismail Meladi
Ismail Meladi is a renowned poet and journalist since 1987 with over fifteen years of experience as a senior reporter for newspapers and sixteen years of experience in public relations. His poems written in Malayalam, English Arabic, Hindi and Persian have been published in magazines since 1986. His educational background includes a Masters’ in Arabic Language and Literature, 1984 and an M.Phil in Arabic in 1985 from Calicut University, India. He also has a Post Graduate Degree in Journalism, 1986 from the same university.
Ismail has also worked as a television director, script writer / editor, narrator and producer for various television channels and radio stations since 1988. He was selected as a news reader for All India Radio in New Delhi. He has worked as a columnist and published hundreds of news items, by-line stories and articles since 1987. Ismail actively participates in community programmes for leadership roles. He was the founder member and Secretary of Indian Media Forum in the UAE as well as Member of the Jury to select the Best Club Newsletter Award 2008-09 of the Toastmasters International District 79, within the GCC and Levant region.
Ismail Meladi manages two blogs on poetry and other social media platforms. His poems have been featured on many websites, including anthologies such as Timeless Mysteries, published by International Library of Poetry, Maryland, USA. He has won two awards namely the Arabic Aksharsree Award for literary achievements and Sahrudaya Padiyath Award for poetry.
He has published over three books of poems, Dilli (Delhi), Chintheritta Kaalam (Chiselled Time) in Malayalam and The Migrant Sandstones in English. He has translated two books and many poems from Malayalam to English and stories from English to Malayalam. Ismail has published numerous poems and articles in Malayalam, English, Arabic, Hindi and Persian and also he has been credited with translating the works of UAE Arab poets such as Shihab Ghanem, Ibrahim Al Hashimi and Saliha Ghabish.
Ismail Meladi is the first Indian to present his poems in Arabic at the Emirates Writers’ Union.