By Dr Rudhramoorthy Cheran
Who creates children,
I asked.
Rustling in through the open window,
Wind said,
Not I
I only give strong nerves of music
to their voices.
I give deep colours
to their eyes,
said Light.
I touch their tender feet
with a smile
said the Red Oleander.
I weave the walls of their hearts
with love’s threads,
said Sea.
I add magic strength
to their laughter,
said Forest.
If that is true
who put guns in their hands
army boots on their feet
grenades at their waist
and hatred in their eyes,
I asked.
Wind and Sea froze;
Light withered,
shattering away
like splinters of glass.
In a single flash of lightning
Flowers and Forest were in flames
and all the birds, in a great flock,
flew into that fire.
our children.