I am
By Claudio Pozzani
I am the Apostle
left out from the Last Supper,
One of Garibaldi’s men
too late to the rock of Quarto
I am the Messiah
of a religion with no believers
I am the excluded, the outsider, the damned who won’t surrender.
I am the main character
who dies on the first page
The stray and mangy cat
no old lady wants to pet
I am the rabid beast
that bites the hand that feeds it
I am the excluded, the outsider, the damned in eternity
I am the unexpected wave
stealing towels and radios
The misunderstanding
making couples fight
I am the devil
dodging Luther’s inkpot
The reel of film that snaps
Before the final scene.
I am the excluded, the outsider, a hammer in the brain
I am the pinball that’s swallowed
one point shy of the record
The goal scored against myself
before the clock runs out
The kid making faces
at his mother’s slaps
I am the fear of the grass
about to be cut
I am the excluded the outsider, this page torn out…