Dr. Thuraya Al Arrayed
Dr Thuraya al Arrayed is a well-known Arab thinker, opinion leader, as well as poet, writer and literary figure.
She is an active researcher of social, economic, political, literary, educational, and security issues from the perspective of total development and has participated in high profile specialised national, regional, Arab, international forums and conferences, such as Jedda Economic forums, Abu Dhabi strategic conferences, Manama Dialogue, Two Kingdom’s Dialogues, Davos, German Arab Tagen, Krober Berlin Conference, Arab Thought forums, World Petroleum Congress, Arab Media Summit, UNDP conferences and literary meetings in all Arab countries.
Dr. Thuraya has three published volumes of poetry. Her poems have been the subject of many graduate dissertations, and have been translated to several Western and Eastern languages and are included in many anthologies.
She is bilingual and has been invited to speak on current issues, Saudi and Gulf development and security issues, and to give poetry recitals in all GCC and Arab countries, USA, England, Germany, Holland, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Australia and South Africa.
Dr. Thuraya is currently a member of the Shura committee of International Affairs, and previously was a member of the Committee on Security Affairs. She is a member of: The higher advisory Board of Ministry of Labor, The higher advisory committee on International Dialogue Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Higher Advisory Committee to the Ministry of Social Affairs, The Higher Advisory Committee to Human Rights National Organization, Saudi Arabia Committee for Development of International Trade CIT , Saudi National Dialogue, Resource Advisor. She is also an active member of the Saudi International Dialogue Team, and a member of the Follow-up Committee Gulf Monitoring Group Member and Member of Advisory Committee to college of Medicine Dammam University KSA.
Currently writing in Al Jazeera Newspaper, Dr. Thuraya has several regular columns in Saudi, Arabian Gulf and Arab newspapers. She has been invited as a guest on media talk shows on almost all Arab and International television and radio stations.