Sharing and Caring
by. Dr. Qais Ghanem
As I look at the folks next door
With little children, three or four
Sleeping rough, on that cold floor
Where some need help, with even more
I wonder how, they can ever cope
Have they yet reached, the end of the rope?
Do they, perhaps, look up to the Pope?
Looking for help, searching for hope
I hear their cries and feeble screams
So late, they stop, or so it seems
And no one smiles, or ever beams
A happy smile or happy dreams
But where are those, who offer aid?
Have they yet given, or ever paid?
A tiny chink, of what they made?
To those who starve, before they fade?
For peace is not, the absence of war
Peace is also, when we make sure
That children drink, their water pure
And we can find, for Covid a cure
Is it their fault, that they’re bereft?
Of the basics of life, and then left
To the mercy of those, who just might lift
A finger with a bun, or a tiny gift?
Let us reflect, and let us think
That while some wear, expensive mink
There are those who, can’t find a drink
Or a mattress where their bones could sink
Whether we believe in God or not
And whether our clime is cool or hot
Let’s give a little, and care a lot
Let’s make an effort, to share that pot!