Funeral Bouquet
By Aisha Yulia Abdullah
There are many intelligent people
Who could tell you to love yourself
When your heart gets broken they tell you
To forget and focus on oneself
Its so funny, as if they don’t know
That this is the hardest thing
To forget the one who caused you
So dizzy emotional swing
They believe as you actually able
to forget on the very next day
You can block in Watsap and delete them
they’re deliberately sure that this will be the end.
But one thing these intelligent people
Often, no, always forget
That your love lives not in your phone,
They live inside your own head.
There is a little box of their image.
And that is the best place of all
Its nourished, its valued, it has the brightest shimmer
And It is protected with all your forth
They live in your head not in real
And when times to come to forget
The only way really to forget them
Is to bury these loved ones with sincere sorrow and strongest regret
Yes its painful yet very healthy
Yes its hard yet it is only the way
To allow yourself to be real
And to live your life in fulfillment till the last day.
When these intelligent people,
Come and tell you to forget
Tell them thank you, I have something better
I will bury my love, you can send me a funeral bouquet.