A Starlight Innocence
Its petals so old and grey with age,
A touch to turn it withering away,
They feared a demise that would turn us astray,
From no one but each other.
They tried so unyieldingly to keep it live,
Begging it wasn’t merely a mirage,
That it simply wouldn’t fade away.
They pleaded it to stay for they feared one day,
It would simply become another glittering lie
that they told the younglings.
They bathed it in the moonlight of their fortunes,
They covered it in the silk of their violent victories.
As they injected a morphine called ‘hope’,
They started to lose the very same thing as they implored.
But maybe some glimmering desires come true.
Bathed in a lonely moonbeam gaze,
A strand of silver starlight innocence,
In actions as light as that of a peony,
A child’s soft golden fingers,
Drummed the hearts of the lost thorns,
A feeling awakened within the reddened souls.
Maybe it’s not all faded in the ripples of their lost breaths,
Maybe we are still bound by A light that shone a silent hue,
And a soft twinkling prompt was all we needed to arise
The silent gleaming invincible spirit within all.
About the Poet
Devanandha Santhosh is a Grade 9 student from Abu Dhabi Indian school Al Watbha.
She always felt very close to nature and its beauty. Reading books was always within her and it started at a very young age promoted by her primary school teachers and parents.
“Beautifully made and blessed” is what her parents always think and she began her journey to believe this in herself
It slowly nurtured a poet within her , started writing poems, and participated in school competitions.
She believes that poetry provides a magical escape from the world. Poems have such power in words that they can paint a perfect picture, express intricate feelings and provide solace when in need.
As a hobby, she enjoys trying her hand at painting and gazing skies at night to pen some beautiful verses.