Zainab Mohammed

About the Poet

Zainab Mohammed is a grade 11, student Gulf Asian English School, Sharjah.  She is ardent about writing poetry to instill peace and harmony among hearts existing around the world!

A Vowed Intent
(The Poetic Heart 2019)

Always a moment arrives when we realize

That there are folks dwelling out there who agonize

That when we indulge in pleasant felicity

There are others who drown in desolate misery

While men of clout crave for control

Of gain, gold and over every soul

There implores the men of poverty

Whose hearts hope for sustenance merely

We have witnessed the wretched suffer

Toiling tirelessly with whatever they can offer

Consuming from the remnants of our meals,

They survive subsisting at our heels

When we respire in our refreshing ambient

We overlook those who scour and sweep for its enhancement

With every transient phase of time

Propagates the obliquity of this crime

The distance amid the affluent and deprived

Stubbornly persists to amplify and remind

That we ought to build bridges

Bonding and dwindling differences like stitches

Harmony is encountered in tolerating variances

Not in prevailing aggravating arrogances

Between those of kin and non-relatives

Disregarding all deceit, vanity and negatives

Determined we should be, to not reap

Benefits from what the pitiful sow while they weep

Earnest we must be, to lend a hand

In their times of tribulation and expand

The bounties of love and brotherhood

Spreading peace and strengthening good

We do not have to be exhaustive or spent

Just humbly adopt tranquility as our avowed intent.

Harmony Must Revive
(The Poetic Heart 2018)

Ancient was the era acknowledged as history,

Contemporary is the phase of soaring sophistry,

Wars waged long and lasting,

Endowing its gloom with contempt casting!

Souls of valiant combatants were revered,

For they being slayers of foes who speared,

Ravaging battles were the antique art,

Bias and bigotry is what the folk of today cart.

Opulence exultant over oblivious mentality,

Conversations remain isolated of reality,

Not a stroke of valuable vigilance,

Is visible averse to vile virulence!

Where does decorous endearment dwell?

Forces and fiends of probity perhaps, make it quell?

Dukes and Duchess of distant lands,

Dressed in pelf and wearing bands,

Gone astray in revelries with arrant gusto,

While ravenous infants squall in sheer throe!

Indeed the overtaking orbs of mankind

Are yet abidingly blatant blind!

Leisure, for men, is excursion and expedition,

As for plebeians, it comprises not even of cognition!

The ones in clover and the ones in penury,

Are like the two poles of the world, afar a century!

This is the detachment of universal amity,

A primeval prejudice and an aspect of present vanity

Here is where the bridge entails building,

To tolerate disparities, we require its crossing!

Consonance must diffuse in intellects and thrive,

For harmony must revive, harmony must revive.

Eloquence of Tranquility
(The Poetic Heart 2017)

Born in humanity pure of sin;

Yet not sentient where we begin,

Abandon a trail behind with growth,

Either of good or unworthy loath.

As days of perils are unknown

Impropriety of minds are shown

Callous we have become,

Kindness operates only numb,

Generosity was echoed long ago,

Pleasantry is wrought woe,

Fallacies ascend a ton

Battles worked and won

Obstinacy we retain in our conviction and oath,

Then deceive and obscure them both

Howls of curses and swears,

Pursuing us everywhere,

Hauling our legs and threatening,

Then encounter the assassinating.

This is the existing space,

Corruption escalating due high pace,

Why are not we disgraced?

Of crisis and death pained?

When clashes occur

Sight takes way to blur

We linger not toleration,

To expressions of detestation,

Forgiveness is forgotten

Conduct is rotten

How can we be taught to bear?

The agony we induce and not care

Oh humans of today,

Why evolve life in gray

Pray, who will answer?

To the wails of hunger?

Endorse your anger within

Not fill an ear with gossip din.

Acquiesce to your frailty,

Not intimidate fragility

Shun all your blasphemy,

Implement better sagacity,

Perish the foul in the air,

Commit to love, affection and care,

Address only to cast a smile,

Leave that of which turns you vile,

Cease your march to abhorrence

Escort way to dulcet coherence,

So let us enjoin in righteousness

And forbid every lewdness

Fit ourselves into harmony,

And halt chasing before money.

It is then when we realize,

How actually do we moralize,

Relieving our hearts of grease,

And finally breathing out peace.

About the School

GULF ASIAN ENGLISH SCHOOL, Sharjah was established in the year 1975, in the name of “Sharjah Montessori School”. The school from a very humble beginning evolved to a high school in 1991. In the year 1993, the school got affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. Since then, 16 successful batches have produced excellent result in 10th and 12th Board Examinations with several distinctions to its credit.