Waahiba, a student of Grade IX at the ‘The Indian International School’. A returning school poet for the third time to this event in a row, Waahiba is a promising young poetess in the making.
Largely creative, meticulous, intelligent and hardworking are a few words her teachers use to describe her. A polite and well-behaved girl, Waahiba is an extremely sensitive person to the happenings around her. A reflection of the same can be seen in her writings.
She is a voracious reader and her command of language are worth appreciating. A spark of creative genius can be seen in any piece of writing she comes up with.
Ideas are generated effortlessly from Waahiba, which she refines with her creative prowess.
Receding Walls
(The Poetic Heart 2018)
It’s the unfamiliarity, the oblivion That makes us hide behind our walls
It shakes us to the point that
We can’t distinguish the right from wrong
Social animals, we call ourselves
But where does that go, when someone needs help
United we stand and divided we fall
But that doesn’t stop the separatists at all
Distinct cultures and nations all left aside
When it comes to human rights, how many of us do abide
Calls for one another, mean nothing anymore
As the pleas for help all get thrown out the door
Seclusion and solitude are the epitome of bliss
When was it that our world came to this?
Acceptance of diversity isn’t a priority right now
Not when half the world ignores the other half somehow
Humanitarian crises are at the top of the list
And among the things that no one knows exist.
When someone’s embarrassed to ask for help, you know there is a problem
Now it’s up to us to pinpoint and solve them
Whatever we put up to conceal and divide
The rest of the world does too, as it’s got the same things to hide
We’re not quite different, despite our religions and our race
Cause at the end of the day we all have the same problems to face.
I would love to say I’m content with the world as it is
But the truth is that we’ve come to a point where true happiness doesn’t exist
Or rather it doesn’t comply With the fact that all of us are running out of time
Controversies and disagreements are all insecurities in disguise
When myths meet facts, you know they’ll arise
And it’s a punishable offence to say one side is right
Unless the rest of the world agrees with you, then it might be alright
Accusatory you will say I’m being, a pessimist with a big mouth Discouraging everyone from letting satisfaction be found
All of the things I’ve listed may strike fury indeed
But when will they encourage us to build bridges, and let the walls recede.
(The Poetic Heart 2017)
I tried and I won,
But there was still more to be done.
To make the world a better place,
To eliminate hatred among religions and race.
To make them feel wanted again,
To give them both-a sister and a friend.
Being hopeful is useless nowadays,
Cause no one listens to our humble ways.
We try and try but it’s all in vain,
As we still can’t rid the world of pain.
In the distance we see people wail and perish,
Is this the result of all our merits?
We want tranquility, we want love We want our symbol to be the dove.
To see the world as it was eons ago,
To get rid of corruption and have the world glow.
We wanted to replace darkness with light,
But trying with all our might.
Wasn’t enough to turn evil to good, Still
it was all we could.
They say the past is the past and we’ll all forget,
But where will it go-all our regret?
Remember the past is gone now and we’re in the present,
But why are most of still treated like peasants?
Being a woman or a girl child,
What in this is a horrendous crime?
People are killed for taking a stand,
Against all the things that ruin our land.
We aim for the best but just don’t realize,
That the real problems is right in front of our eyes.
We accomplished all of the greatest of feats,
Travelled to the ends of the earth and explored all the seas.
Still we have so much to achieve,
To get everyone on the same page that’s what I believe.
So many imperfections we all have and that’s a fact,
Still we distinguish between two mere colours-white and black.
It’s hilarious to think that all this matters in today’s day and age, Our gender, the colour of our skin and the amount that we wage. Truth is, it only matters as much as society likes,
But still is more important than what lies inside.
We all want attention and want to be heard,
For a voice that’s as melodious as a bird’s-
But we don’t know, what we do and what we say,
Will be the most appealing thing on earth if it’s done the right way.
So my fellow people take my into mind,
For who knows-one day you could be the savior of mankind.
Peace By Waahiba
(The Poetic Heart 2016)
I tried and I won,
But there was still more to be done.
To make the world a better place,
To eliminate hatred among religions and race.
To make them feel wanted again,
To give them both-a sister and a friend.
Being hopeful is useless nowadays,
Cause no one listens to our humble ways.
We try and try but it’s all in vain,
As we still can’t rid the world of pain.
In the distance we see people wail and perish,
Is this the result of all our merits?
We want tranquility, we want love We want our symbol to be the dove.
To see the world as it was eons ago,
To get rid of corruption and have the world glow.
We wanted to replace darkness with light,
But trying with all our might.
Wasn’t enough to turn evil to good, Still
it was all we could.
They say the past is the past and we’ll all forget,
But where will it go-all our regret?
Remember the past is gone now and we’re in the present,
But why are most of still treated like peasants?
Being a woman or a girl child,
What in this is a horrendous crime?
People are killed for taking a stand,
Against all the things that ruin our land.
We aim for the best but just don’t realize,
That the real problems is right in front of our eyes.
We accomplished all of the greatest of feats,
Travelled to the ends of the earth and explored all the seas.
Still we have so much to achieve,
To get everyone on the same page that’s what I believe.
So many imperfections we all have and that’s a fact,
Still we distinguish between two mere colours-white and black.
It’s hilarious to think that all this matters in today’s day and age, Our gender, the colour of our skin and the amount that we wage. Truth is, it only matters as much as society likes,
But still is more important than what lies inside.
We all want attention and want to be heard,
For a voice that’s as melodious as a bird’s-
But we don’t know, what we do and what we say,
Will be the most appealing thing on earth if it’s done the right way.
So my fellow people take my into mind,
For who knows-one day you could be the savior of mankind.
About the School
India International School (IIS) is credited with revolutionary concept of early child hood education, the firm and broad foundation for entire education is given much prominence, the root where KG children enjoy their learning activities amazingly well. The goal of school is to imbibe in the students a love of learning and instill in them a keen desire to excel in all stages of their life.