Shahd Mohammad Jamal is a student of Grade 10 at Al Muwakeb School, Barsha.
She would be sharing her poem. ‘Doves of Peace’.
Dove Of Peace
The wide space felt so tight that there was no room for my wings..
Armies of injustice invaded my horizon and converted any light into darkness.
Our nests were torn apart and twigs were lost in the midst of all the chaos.
In a world ruled by war, driven by betrayal and hatred storming hearts, division and separation are now superior.
A war where its fire did not rage within the depths of its cannons.. but within people’s souls.
Till when..
Till when will I soar in fear and apprehension?!
Seeking safety and peace in a place where bombs and bullets hover right above the clouds.
Till when will I remain lost between ruins, ashes, and remains?!
Who can bring back the past , for our hearts have missed the sense of unison and security.
And who can plant the seeds of peace in our regions and bring back the doves’ prayers ?
When will the wounds of our nation heal.. the wounds which bleed surrender and ooze with sorrow .
O warlords who initiated the war, stop and follow the path of the noble and dignified.
Enough with the torn families..
Our rivers have been replaced by tears, blood, and grief.
Enough with the demolished lands..
Our land has become a graveyard, and in every corner lie widows and orphans .
Stop with the immense oppression and remember that the hereafter is inevitable…
I’m a dove..soaring freely in the sky
Not asking for shelter, neither is my aim food,
My only desire is for peace to reign and prevail our land
And I go back to being a dove of peace.
The Source of Love
They constantly wonder, and within their question, lies the answer.
Who is it who from her eyes runs a river of care, giving, and generosity?
And who is it whose name makes the letters on my paper flourish and blossom each time I write it down?
She is my source of light and beacon through life, guiding me, and without her I would lose my path.
Amidst of life and its harsh events and obstacles, too, she is the first person I go to.
She lifts huge weights off my shoulder, sharing my dilemmas, leaving nothing for me to worry about when I’m younger or older.
She is that anticipated cool breeze on a hot summer’s day, and the light that abolishes all my heart’s darkness every single day.
She engulfs you with love she had sewn, laced with care and trust.
And when her hair begins to grey and the color invades her head pervasively without any restrictions.
When time and age carve sadness on the walls of her palms slowly but steadily,
That is when the end has come, and the curtains have closed, and you are woken up by the inevitable reality to the end of her presence.
That is when you realize the answer to your question which lies within its folds, it is always and forever the mother, that’s what I’ve been taught and told.
نبع الحنان
يتساءلـونَ في كــلِ حيـــنٍ
وبينَ طيّاتِ سؤالِهم تغفــو الإجابــ هْ
من ذي التي من مُقلتيهــا
يفيضُ نهرٌ من حنانٍ وعطاءٍ ومهابهْ
ومـن التي تُزهـرُ حُـروفي
حيــن يمُــرُّ اسمُهــــا عنــدَ الكِتابــهْ
تلك التي في عالمي طيـفٌ
رقيـــــقٌ هائــم يُظلُّنـي مثل السحــابـــهْ
هي نورُعمري وأيامي الذي
بــه أهتدي ويَتــوهُ دربي في غيابِه
أرنــو إليها إذا حــلّ خطبٌ
وجـــــادَ زمـــاني بكــــلِ صِعــابِــــهْ
فتحملُ عنّي همومَ الحيـــاةِ
لتهدأَ روحي وتزدادَ في الصدر الرحابهْ
هي النسماتُ في قيظِ صيفٍ
وضــــوءٌ يقشعُ عن القلــبِ ضَبابـَهْ
تفيضُ محبةً عطفًا ورحمة
كشلالِ ماءٍ يزدادُ مع الأعوامِ انسكابهْ
وتَنسجُ من عُمرها شَالَ حبٍ
و تُهديـــك رونَقَــهُ وزَهــوةَ شَبابِــهْ
ويغزو الشيبُ خصلاتِ شعرِها
ويعبــــثُ في جنبـــاتِه دونَ رقــابـــهْ
ويحفرُ الدهر على جُـداران
كفيّــها حُزنًا بِكـــلِ هُـدوءٍ وكلِ رَتابهْ
فتُسْدلُ حينَها أستارُ النهاية
وتصحو على مشهدٍ لا يُمكنك اجتنابهْ
هي من تكون الجنـةُ تحـت
قدميــها، ومن يفتحُ لها الرحمن بابـهْ
وتدركُ وقتها جوابَ سؤالٍ
فتعرفُ بـــأنّ الأمَ دومـــًـا ..هي الإجابَهْ
About the School
Al Mawakeb Schools is an international school system in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Serving grades Kindergarten through 12, it is managed by Academia Management Solutions International. Its high school program uses a U.S. curriculum.