Rahaf El Ghosin

About the Poet

Rahaf El Ghosin is a 16-year-old Palestinian girl who likes to read, play sports and occasionally, write.

Even as a kid, she always loved to express herself through words. Not so long ago, she went through a stressful phase in my life. Still, hoping that the phase would pass ,she kept working hard, and it did.

Her sole purpose behind writing this poem is showing others that hope will always be present; you just need to know where to look.

Childhood And Peace
(The Poetic Heart 2018)

Dust and mud cover his cheeks

Bread crumbs lay in his hands

What is left of clothing on his frame

Half a slipper on his feet

The ghost of a mother’s touch in his hair.

People pass by him

And don’t bother turning towards him

He looks on and finds children playing

Calling out and cheering

Pointing at him… laughing… mocking…

His tears… enjoying

The ball rolls without stopping at his feet

Aggressiveness is nurtured in him;

He’s lost in this world all alone

To violence he becomes a fuel

The whole world is gasping: “Peace”…

If only

If only they had tried to paint the smile on his face;

Then he would gain hope

And violence would decline

And earth would finally achieve



Childhood and Peace

In his eyes tears of sorrow

Dust and mud on his cheeks

He had bread crumbs in his hands

And on his body what is left of clothing

On his feet are half slippers

And in his poetry is like a touch of a mother.

Around him are people who pass

And they don’t pay attention

He .. Looks see children playing

They are calling and shouting

And to point .. laugh .. ridicule

Crying .. enjoying

The ball rolls without stopping in front of his feet

The vengeance grows up;

Lost in the world only

Violence becomes fuel

The world is all gasping for peace.

If they tried

If they try to put a smile on his lips;

To him please

Let ‘s say violence

And to settle in the earth


A Poem by Rahaf El Ghosin
(The Poetic Heart 2017)

نورٌ في الأُفق

أنتَ في مَمَرٍّ أسودٍ،



مَمَرٍّ – يُحَطِّمُ عَزيمَتَكَ ويَدفَعُكَ لِلاستِسلام،

مَمَرٍّ – لا تَجِدُ في جُدرانِهِ أيَّ مَخرَجٍ أو مَجالٍ للهَرَب

أنتَ أسيرٌ،



لا أَحَدَ مَعَكَ لِيُواسيَكَ

تَلتَفِتُ يَمينًا تلتفتُ شِمالًا،

لا شَيء،

ثُمَّ تَنظُرُ إلى الأمامِ فَتَرى،

تَرى ما لَم تَرَهُ مُنذُ زَمَنٍ طَويلْ،

تَرى نورًا خافِتًا في الأُفُقِ البَعيدْ،

نورًا – يُعيدُ لَكَ الذِّكرَياتِ السَّعيدة،

حينَ كُنتَ مُحاطًا بِكُلِّ ما تُحِبّ،

و كُلِّ مَنْ تُحِبّ.

نورًا – يَجذُبُكَ إلَيه ويَبعَثُ في نَفسِكَ الدِّفْءَ،

نورًا – يُعيدُ إليكَ الأَمَلَ بَعدَ زَمَنٍ مِن فُقدانِهِ

في تِلكَ اللّحظةِ تَتَّخِذُ قَرارًا سَيُغَيِّرُ مَجرى حَياتِك،

تُقَرِّرُ أخذَ الخُطوَةِ الأولى إلى الأَمام،

خُطوَةٍ – لا مَجالَ لِلتَراجُعِ بَعدَها،

خُطوَة.. بعدَ خُطوَةٍ،

فَتَقتَرِبُ أكثَرَ،

و أكثَرَ،

و أكثَرَ،

و بِكُلِّ خُطوَةٍ تَتَجَدَّدُ في نَفسِكَ البَهجَةُ،

و تَقولُ في نَفسِكَ:”هُناكَ أَمَلٌ لِيَومٍ جَديد.”

About the School

Al Mawakeb schools are managed by AMSI and provide a comprehensive university preparatory education to students of all backgrounds and nationalities.

Although our medium of instruction is English, we have a multilingual learning environment. Students study the English, French, and Arabic languages from K-12.

Upon completing twelve years of education, students receive a high school diploma which enables the graduates to pursue higher education worldwide.