Neusha Haque

About the Poet

Neusha Haque is sixteen  years old and is studying in Dubai Gem Private School for the past twelve  years. The school plays a big role in her personality development.

It all started at the age of nine when she had to write a poem as an assignment for English. She still remembers that at that time she had to seek help of her father for it as she could not figure out the contents.
Her father, who was quite a poet himself, decided to guide her and together they  managed to write her first poem about the dainty yellow wildflowers, which often go unaccounted for in the vast deserts.

As for Arabic, she was introduced to the language in the school at a very young age and since then she have been fascinated by the beauty of this melodious language.

Some of her feelings she expresses as ” Staring out into the azure sky, I often felt time slow down around me. I was overcome by a sense of awe as I looked at the clouds which came in all shapes and sizes. I was reminded of my childhood friend- how we used to lie on the grass and point at the cotton-candy shaped clouds overhead. I would say that that was my main inspiration for this poem.”

All these made her realize how precious and irreversible time is. She was
delighted that she was given the chance to express herself  and receive recognition
for it.

The Lighthouse

About the School

Dubai Gem was founded in 1973 on a small block and was known as Dubai Nursery School and Crèche. It began with about twenty students, the oldest being five and the youngest only a month old. Every million mile long journey begins with one tiny footstep. Hard work and dedication have resulted in the growth of Dubai Gem.

Now in every corridor, every classroom, at every table, sits a student, hopeful and ambitious about his or her future. Many students regard Dubai Gem as another home where people care about their future and give them encouragement and support. Dubai Gem is well known for being organized with all grades, from FS1 to Year 13, having gifted, goal-driven students abounding with imagination and hope. Although Dubai Gem is renowned for its focus on academic studies, sport is very popular and appreciated amongst the students.