Maica Suan

About the Poet

Maica Suan is a grade 8th student from Far Eastern Pvt. School – Al Azra campus. She is the vice president of Supreme Student Council for two consecutive school years.

Maica is a consistent honor student of the same institution. She has joined and won several inter-school competitions such as the Pen Nosy Creative Writing, Emirates Environmental Group Public Speaking, KIDZANIA Braniac Quiz,  Bee Semi-Finalist, and Kabayan Journalism.

Apart from academics, she loves to play badminton and the guitar.  She is passionate about public speaking, singing, dancing and writing.


As we people live our lives this way

With all our opinions and things to say

Whether it may be love or hate

It distracts us from humanity’s state.

We think that in social media we are connected

But does it really apply when your friend request is rejected?

It is saddening on how some people have become shallow

On how their entire being is based in likes and follows.

Well my friends and I are connected

Surely they won’t betray, right?

Make sure your back is protected

Fake is the new trend and blind is the new sight.

We give value to those friend lists

Which half don’t seem to care

People solve fights with guns and fists

And we seem to do nothing but stare.

With the environment slowly deteriorating

And the tears of mother earth being shed

Bridges are what we should be building

To avoid this green and blue home being dyed.

Build bridges of strong materials

Faith, trust, and love are main essentials

Do not let it have gaps of doubt and hate

Or it will surely collapse at a fast rate.

How can we build bridges with so many walls around our heart?

When we would rather be apart instead of being a part

There is a world and a generation to be protected

It is time to cross this bridge and be connected.

About the School

Established in 2001, Far Eastern Private School (FEPS), United Arab Emirates has implemented the Philippine curriculum and is welcoming students who require Pre-Elementary, Elementary, and Secondary Education. FEPS is one of the pioneering Philippine schools in the region, operating for 16 years.