Maha Wadood is from Pakistan and she was born on 6th December 1999. She goes to The Westminister School. She has written a poem on “Friendship”. This poem is inspired by her best friend who she hasn’t seen for over two years. Its a tribute to friends who are physically, far away from us but are close to us in every other way
Friendship (By Maha)
It has so long since I’ve met you but it seems like yesterday,
The bonding at first sight mesmerizes me even today.
I love the way you understand better than I do,
‘Cause it only strengths the bond between me and you.
We’ve been through all the different stages of friendship,
And you’ve been with me through all my joys and hardships.
We haven’t been together in two years,
Yet, all my achievements are incomplete without your cheers.
We live miles apart,
But I continue to feel your presence in my heart.
Your unconditional friendship and understanding is amongst my biggest strengths,
It helps me stand upright as poles do for tents.
The relation between is not of blood,
But the connection between us can be felt deep in our souls.
You are a sister of mine I have chosen myself,
A part of the family I have made myself.
The fact that two people who are so different are so close astonishes me,
The likeness of our thoughts continues to stun me.
You’re a part of me that I do not understand myself,
Yet it’s a part so potent that without it I cannot imagine myself.
O friend, you are not with me here, but your presence continues to be with me at all times,
And I vow to not let go of you until the beating of my heart continues to chime.
About the School
The Westminster School follows the National Curriculum for England and prepares students to take the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) course and the Advanced Subsidiary (AS) Level Examinations and A Level Examinations of the Universities of Cambridge and London (UK).