A student of Al Mawakeb School. She loves to read and write poetry since second grade. She wanted to participate in this competition to show her love towards poetry. She has written a poem about her mother ; who has always been there to support her throughout to pursue her dreams.
Who is She ?
I will not find a worm embrace like hers
I will not find a pleasant touch like hers
She raises her hand to the sky to protect me with her prayer
She stays awake all night in my sickness to seek comfort in her heart
Who doesn’t appreciate her position and status?
No sorrow, no concern, no pain with her
No fear, no worry, once you see her face
You will feel the sweetness of life, once you hear her voice
Love is cultivated among the years of her life
Her existence creates the most beautiful moments of my life
How do I make up for the happiness she gave me?
How do I plant joy and pleasure in her heart?
I want to be a lantern shining her world
And joy that posh up her features and cheeks
My heart breaks if I see her tears
I will be worries if I feel she is tired
My tears stifle me if one day I hurt her
My words and poems fail to describe her
I hate myself if once made her cry
Who is she that love like hers never exist?
And who is she that heaven is set down under her feet?
She’s my mom …
My mom that …
No one is like her
لن أجد حضنًا دافئًا كحضنها
ولنَ أجد لمسةً حنونة كلمستِها
ترفع يديها للسماء لتحميني بدعائِها
وتسهرُ الليالي إذا مرضتُ ليطمئن قلبها
من منّا لا يقدّر منزلتها ومكانَتها
لا حزن ولاهمّ ولا ألمَ معَها
لا خوف ولا قلقَ بمجرد رؤية وجهِها
تحلو الحياة عند سماع صوتها
ويزرَعُ المحبّة َ على مرّ السنين عمرُها
ما أجمل لحظات عمري بوجودها!
كيف أعوضها السّعادة التي منحتني إياها؟
وكيف أزرع البهجة والسرورَ بقلبها؟
أريد أن أكون سراجًا ينير دنياها
وفرحة تزيّن ملامحها ووجنتيها
ينفطر قلبي إذا رأيت دمعتها
ويصيبني القلق لو أحسست بتعبها
تخنقني عبراتي إذا يوماً آذيتها
تعجز كلماتي وقصائدي عن وصفها
وأكره نفسي لو مرّةً.. لو مرةً أبكيتها
من هي التي لا وجودَ لحبٍّ كحبها؟
ومن هي التي فُرشت الجنة تحت أقدامها ؟
هي أمي..
أمي التي
لا مثيلَ لها
About the School
Al Mawakeb schools are managed by AMSI and provide a comprehensive university preparatory education to students of all backgrounds and nationalities.
Although our medium of instruction is English, we have a multilingual learning environment. Students study the English, French, and Arabic languages from K-12.
Upon completing twelve years of education, students receive a high school diploma which enables the graduates to pursue higher education worldwide.