Hasan Raza Abbas

About the Poet

Hasan is a young cheerful 8 year old boy studying in Scholastic unit at Al Noor Training Centre.

He enjoys playing new games and engaging in long conversations with his classmates and teachers.

His sense of humour and sharp observation skills never cease to amaze those around him.


Wiggling, woggling up and down

Painted as bright as a circus clown

Clinging to twigs with tiny feet

Always looking for something to eat.

Some have bristles, some have spots

Some have patches like polka dots

They’re brown and yellow, green and blue

But mostly green like the leaves they chew.

-Eric Slayt

About the School

The Al Noor Training Centre was established in 1981 with just 8 children. Since then the institution has expanded, year on year, to enrich the lives of hundreds of children and young adults with various physical and cognitive challenges.

The Al Noor Training Center has a holistic approach to the wellbeing and development of all our students, who benefit from individual, specially designed programmes to suit their specific needs. It employs Trans-Disciplinary Assessment and Intervention methods to ensure each child gets the precise help they need.

Our broad curriculum covers all areas of training and development and we offer a wide range of therapies, vocational training, work placement schemes, co-curricular activities and satellite programmes – all designed to support students and their families every step of the way.

Today The Al Noor Training Center has over 250 students of more than 35 nationalities, who enjoy the excellent facilities of the purpose-built centre.