Hanan Abdul Jaleel

About the Poet

Hanan Abdul Jaleel is a student of Grade XII and is studying in New Indian Model School, Girls, Dubai.

She currently holds the post of School Head Girl and has been an active member of the Student Council for the past two years, as Deputy Chief Editor of the School Magazine.

Her passion lies in writing, which she believes was instilled in her due to the encouragement of reading as a pastime from a young age by her mother. She has always tried to explore the nuances of human society in her writing, trying to explore and experiment her skills each time she puts pen to paper.

She is thankful to her School and her teachers for nurturing her talent and helping it grow. Besides being an aspiring writer, Hanan is also a passionate orator who loves to participate in various competitions held at school and outside.

The Refugee
(The Poetic Heart 2018)

The little girl was born in a place

Desolate and deserted, dark and dank

The memories of her childhood encompassed

With the dark hue of suffering and pain

The sweetness emanating from

A lullaby was unknown to her;

Her ears still rangwith the sounds of

Blasts that shook the city to the core

Her pupils, black as coal,

Captured those of the viewer before her…

Swirling perpetually, rewinding the scenes

Of horror that played before them not long ago…

Her heart beat heavily every single day,

Weeping for the little joys

She had cherished; they had all

Been snatched away, shattering it bit by bit

Vivid memories floated before her,

Of the big oak tree she’d called her haven,

The one with the thick branches she gleefully climbed on,

Until one day, they chopped it away…

Of the brother who she adored,

The one who raised her, kept her alive,

Lived by her side day and night,

Until one day, they took him away…

Of the parents she never saw, All but once in a photo,

Of them standing together happy and safe;

Her mother’s hand placed over her unborn daughter,

And her father’s in her brother’s;

Until one day, they were nowhere to be seen…

She grew up too soon,

An adult by ten, she learnt to fend for herself…

The cruel world had imposed upon her

That she shall not hope, nor shall she smile

Every day a rotten curse,

For a crime committed she knew not when

Every night a dangling sword, over her head,

Threatening to fall, taking her life once and for all…

But then came the forbidden taste

Of hope, washing over her,

In the form of the angel clothed

In white, an advocate of peace and love…

A hand extended, a few words

Of kindness delivered to the aching heart,

Light up it did, for here was a woman

Closest to her mother as ever can be

She walked withher by the walls of hatred,

Of intolerance, of inhumanity,

Until she reached the gateway that opened

To the bridge of hope, leading to the land beyond….

The one filled with the fragrance

Of flowers, of nature, singing the tunes

Of Harmony and kindness; tears rolled down her cheeks,

As she turned back to thank her guardian angel…

The woman was long gone,

but the words she’d said

Resonated within the girl’s heart…

Deep within my heart, I have a wish,

To break down the walls of hatred,

To build more bridges,

To shatter the mirrors fixed on the walls,

And to replace them with windows instead…

To save humanity from fading away,

Into the void, never to be seen or heard of again….

And I shall not rest until I know

That my goal is achieved, and every child like you

Has a reason to smile…

Plea from the Future
(The Poetic Heart 2017)

This world I was born into seems

Strange, empty; void

Of everything but greed and hate

And wars, crime and death

I searched around for that word ‘love’

But failed to find it here

All I see is acres and acres

Of destruction all around

Where are the trees they speak of

In the text books back in school?

Why can’t I hear the tune of birds

Singing their odes tonight?

What’s a nightingale, where can I find

A tulip or a rose?

And what, oh what,

Is this rainbow

Of peace that they speak of?

My life seems clad in black and white

But my heart speaks to me

Of something else beyond that cloak

Something made of ‘colours’

Is it normal for me to have

Memories of a time

Way before I was born, one filled

With peace and love?

They must just be dreams of a time

That I yearn for with all my heart

For I do not want the luxuries

Of pain and dominance

They seem useless without the toils

Of tolerance and love…

So to all of you from the past, the ones who were fighting then,

Listen to me, this is a plea

From the years ahead

Cherish the moments of peace, and remind yourself

That harmony is not simply

A word to throw away,

It is the elixir of life, the reason you now live

Without it you are nothing but puppets,

In the hands of time and death.

About the School

New Indian Model School is one of the well reputed Indian Schools in UAE. It was started in 1988 and is located in Al Garhoud, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This is also known as N.I.Model School or NIMS Dubai.