Gul Mehek Khan

About the Poet

Gul Mehek Khan is a young budding poet who has a very vibrant and diverse personality, is a keen observer and finds beauty in the small things in life. In 2015 she became the world’s youngest published poetess when her first collection of 30 poems were published by a leading publishing house in Dubai.

Never afraid of voicing her opinion, draws her inspiration from her mother who has given her the true mantra of life: Patience, Honesty and Hard work & Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, the Ruler of Dubai who through his vision and hard work has transformed a desert into one of the most beautiful cities in the world. According to her a simple act of kindness or even a smile can spread happiness to people around her.

Today she is representing Nahtam Social Responsibility Abu Dhabi, an organization committed for working towards environment, education & humanity & she is also a student of Nord Anglia International School. Toronto Star in Canada described her personality in one sentence – “a young girl with an old soul”.

Gul Mehek is also an ardent animal lover, especially horses and she is extremely active in sports. Her typical week includes football, basketball, netball, tennis, horse-riding, golf, gymnastics and swimming.

The Arab Generosity

Its wings cuddled to its breast

Its claws dug deep into its nest

A melody chirping so talented tweets

Gazing heads upon the streets

A journey to find a land on a cloud horse

Trying to follow the sun, staying on course

Landing on the ground, it travelled to a land of sleep

Woken up by sunlight so deep

Waddling from side to side, it fell on its face

But its eye caught sight of a boy dressed in white coming to that place

His hands gently scooped it up, its hurt wing bent

Bandaging it, the boy took care of it in his tent

Food got it strong, medicine got it to heal

Under the boy’s care, happy it began to feel.

Waddling from side to side, it fell on its face

But its eye caught sight of a boy dressed in white coming to that place

His hands gently scooped it up, its hurt wing bent

Bandaging it, the boy took care of it in his tent

Food got it strong, medicine got it to heal

Under the boy’s care, happy it began to feel.

In the morning, souls had a hop in their feet

Except an exception, the man looked tired and beat

Raindrops flowed, sad and low, quiet but a lot

Shivering, it’s owner was cold and weak even though it was hot

A kind man stayed with the other, passed to him was his lunch

And a lot of cash to sooth him, all a very large bunch

Parting, they met the next day where the man tried to repay the sum

But the generous man had then vanished as quickly as he had come

Flight took over it as it ran in the air

It saw a ship carrying books set off by the King so fair

Gathered there, were unfortunate families

From all around, it knew, from different countries

Then Arab people showed the way to succeed

Giving them all they would need

Time passed, flew by quickly and fast

And Ramadan came, it knew it was to last

It glimpsed the sight of sweets handed across in small pots

Passed down to ones who had none from those who had lots

Pleased by the effect of these acts, the bird chose a decision so wise

To stay there forever as long as it lived, for as long as the sun would rise

So such the robin preens itself

Such a place found on the Gulf

Of a land of Arabic generosity and pleasure

To have found a place he will always treasure

Success (A True Success)

When I yearned to sail across the sea

To find the adventures beyond me

I grew scared that I would fail

To get aboard the ship and set the sail

I worried about my path ahead

Trying to gather courage in my head

I climbed into the boat and set the sail

But soon after, my strength began to frail

I went back home, to my bed

Wondering where in my life I would be led

The next day, I went back to the dock

But when I pushed of, my boat nearly crashed into a rock

I went back once more to my hut, my head in my hands

Wondering how at this rate will I be able to explore other lands

But I still went and sat in my boat, pulling the sail up high

Catching a gale so strong that it seemed as if we were in the sky

So, after all, I got what I dreamed

And that is what success is to me

So, success is something that you don’t always get at first

And when you don’t, you often think that it’s the worst

But if you keep on persevering and achieve your goal

You will get inner-satisfaction and happiness to your soul

About the School

Nord Anglia International School Dubai offers the academic quality and rigour of the English National Curriculum and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, but we deliver it using our own contemporary approaches to personalised learning with a truly global outlook. Our students are prepared and eager to make an impact on the world.