Gopika Ganesh

About the Poet

Gopika is a student from GEMS Our Own English High School, Dubai. She is an avid reader with an uncanny interest towards anything related to arts and aesthetics. Writing, sketching, and the occasional composing, happen to be her dabbling centers. Khaled Hosseini, Mitch Albom, Patrick Ness etc. are a few of those one in a million people who have managed to tug at her heartstrings and have allowed her to see the world in a different perspective.

Through His Eyes

A juncture of unsettling haze

A brume of wretchedness, of bitter woes

The raucous laughter of deranged foes

The silent screams of slaughtered souls

Tarnished hands yearning conception

Sworn to the soldier’s creed,

But with a core of clemency

He brushes away the remnants

Of a once beating heart, his comrade

He remembered those days

Of subtle smiles and gentle laughs

Of an unscathed mind and guileless eyes

A suckling’s life, an unrehearsed mime

Then came the comber

Of noxious lies and rebuking cries

Of wars and incomprehension

A world brewing mayhem

What he longed for was not transcendental

But rather, a bout of rectitude

Where origins and chronicles

Stratums and cachets

None mattered

He sat beside the ageing grave

A gnarled finger tracing the epitaph

There was a sadness to his eyes

But a happiness to his heart

For when his compeer,

Walks down Heaven’s lane

He will see Peace from afar

And he’ll smile, at his turn of fate.

One of the oldest schools in the country, GEMS Our Own English School – Dubai, has been providing outstanding education and support to students from across the globe for almost four decades.

Affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, India, we currently have over 10,000 students from Kindergarten to Grade 12, representing over twenty-two nationalities – making us a truly international community that epitomises multi-cultural Dubai at its finest. Classes are mixed through for boys and girls from Kindergarten to Grade 4 and then only for girls from Grades 5 to 12.