Araisa Sayyed

About the Poet

Araisa is an active participant in school discussions.

She has demonstrated empathy to the feelings and perspectives of others and consistently seeks out constructive feedback.

Araisa has a rare and impressive writing skill.


Peace is more than absence of war.

We learned that after the problems had ended.

We learned to live with love and happiness

The only way to achieve true peace.

When all of our actions are guided by peace

It does not taint with self-serving motives

and does not cause harm.

When we learned to accept our responsibilities.

When we learn to do our part.

We learn to live in peace.

Peace is more than absence of war.

Peace is more than absence of war.

About the School

In Apple International School, student’s learning potentials are effectively identified and guides the teaching learning process accordingly. The school refrains from ability based labeling and adopts universal design strategies for students for example whole class differentiation. The school makes all possible efforts to remove barriers that limit the learning experience of students of determination and integrates them effectively in the common learning environment.