Alfred Benny

About the Poet

Alfred Benny. J, is a student of grade 9 in New Indian Model School, Boys, Dubai

He lived in Ajman for 9 years and then moved to Dubai in 2010. He loves reading, writing, singing and exploring new things. He even loves to make new friends and socialize.

His new year’s resolution for 2018 is to love and be loved, be kind to everyone, dress classy and be confident in whatever he does. He writes down his feelings into songs and poems, because music speaks when words don’t.

He wishes to be a person who can make a difference.

Why Can’t We?

Why is there so much difference?

Why is there a barrier?

Why can’t we build bridges of acceptance?

Why is there so much war?

Why is there so much destruction?

Why can’t we hold hands and love one and another?

Why is there so much discrimination?

Why can’t we make this world a beautiful place to live in?

Why is there so much hate in this world?

Why can’t we make this world a wonderful place to live in?

Why can’t we change ourselves?

Why can’t we change the world?

Why can’t we be kind to one another?

Why can’t we do it for the sake of humanity?

Why are there so many questions?

Why can’t we answer them?

Why can’t we?

Why can’t we?


At first, it may seem hopeless.

But when you are ardent,

Nothing can get in the way of your victory.

Don’t doubt at yourself

If you’re tenacious

The sky isn’t the limit for you

Things may go wrong, as they will

Don’t lose your confidence,

Believe that you have victory running in your veins.

If there is a way, there is going to be flames

Well, you’re bound to get burnt

But be fearless because these burns will enlighten you.

People may abandon you, thinking you’re crazy

But once you reach the finish line,

You will feel the glory of success

Don’t let fear take you down.

These scars will haunt you

But to learn from it is the lesson.

Be the flames to the fire,

Waves to the ocean, storm to the wind.

Because one day, you will look back and cherish.

When it’s too cold, don’t look for a companion.

Though the storm may rage on,

Be strong and fight until it plays out.

Run till you feet can run no more,

Sing till your lungs can take no more

You never know when the sun comes up and it’s too late.

The fire is perilous

But once you learn to conquer the blaze

You can rise like a Phoenix.

About the School

The New Indian Model School Dubai, having completed 38 glorious years in the field of education, enjoys the distinction of sending the largest number of candidates to SSLC and Higher Secondary examinations of Kerala State, from amongst the schools in the Gulf countries. The school focuses it’s attention on imparting quality education for all without any distinction or discrimination and keeps it affordable to all. The track record of the school in the SSLC examinations since 1985 prompted the Government of Kerala to permit the school to teach Higher Secondary syllabus and be the examination center for Plus Two Higher Secondary examination of the State in 1993, thus becoming the first such school outside Kerala. In almost all the Board examination, the school secures 100 % results, with more than 80 % of students achieving distinction marks (75% and above).