Browsing Category: School Genre – Environment

PH 2024 ( school Poems ), PH 2024 (School Poets), Poets of Woodlem School, School Genre - Environment, School Genre - Hope, School Genre - Humanity

Building a Sustainable Future, together

PH 2024 ( school Poems ), PH 2024 (School Poets), Poets of The Millennium School, School Genre - Environment, School Genre - Hope

Nature’s Gift

PH 2024 ( school Poems ), PH 2024 (School Poets), Poets of Private International English School, School Genre - Environment, School Genre - Hope, School Genre - Imagination

Canopies Infinite

PH 2024 ( school Poems ), PH 2024 (School Poets), Poets of The Westminster School, School Genre - Environment, School Genre - Hope

Threads of Tomorrow

PH 2024 ( school Poems ), PH 2024 (School Poets), Poets of Mayoor Private School, School Genre - Environment

Change Makers We Choose

PH 2024 ( school Poems ), PH 2024 (School Poets), Poets of Gems Winchester Abu Dhabi, School Genre - Environment, School Genre - Hope

Wooden Whispers

PH 2024 ( school Poems ), PH 2024 (School Poets), Poets of Manor Hall International School, School Genre - Environment, School Genre - Hope, School Genre - Imagination

Brick by Brick

PH 2024 ( school Poems ), PH 2024 (School Poets), Poets of American School of Creative Science, School Genre - Environment, School Genre - Hope, School Genre - Peace, School Genre - Tolerance


PH 2024 ( school Poems ), PH 2024 (School Poets), Poets Representing Virginia International Private Schoo, School Genre - Environment, School Genre - Hope

Unite for Sustainability

PH 2023 ( school Poems ), PH 2023 ( School Poets ), Poets of The Westminster School, School Genre - Environment, School Genre - Hope

You Will Live On