Browsing Category: School Genre – Humanity

PH 2023 ( school Poems ), PH 2023 ( School Poets ), Poets of Gems Modern Academy, School Genre - Humanity, School Genre - Peace, School Genre - Tolerance

United We Stand Divided We Fall

PH 2021 (School Poems), PH 2021 (School Poets), Poets of Diyafah International School, School Genre - Humanity

Invincible Spirit

  To be invincible Is to be strong Is to not give up, When everything feels wrong. To be invincible, Is to [...]
PH 2021 (School Poems), Poets of The Millennium School, School Genre - Humanity, School Poets 2021

The Strength of The Human Spirit

Cambridge International School, PH 2013 (School Poems), PH 2013 (School Poets), School Genre - Courage, School Genre - Hope, School Genre - Humanity, School Genre - Peace, School Genre - Tolerance

Menatalla Hany Mohamed

Aditi Naik, PH 2013 (School Poems), PH 2013 (School Poets), School Genre - Hope, School Genre - Humanity, School Genre - Imagination, School Genre - Peace, The Winchester School

Aditi Naik

Adithya Rajeev, JSS Private School, PH 2014 (School Poems), PH 2014 (School Poets), School Genre - Hope, School Genre - Humanity, School Genre - Peace, School Genre - Tolerance

Adithya Rajeev

PH 2014 (School Poems), PH 2014 (School Poets), Saheli Usheeja G, School Genre - Hope, School Genre - Humanity, School Genre - Imagination, School Genre - Peace, School Genre - Tolerance, St.Mary's Catholic High School

Saheli Usheeja G

International Academic School, Kinane Noori, PH 2014 (School Poems), PH 2014 (School Poets), School Genre - Courage, School Genre - Friendship, School Genre - Humanity

Kinane Noori

Christina Tom, Our Own High School - Al Warqa'a, PH 2014 (School Poems), PH 2014 (School Poets), School Genre - Courage, School Genre - Humanity, School Genre - Peace, School Genre - Tolerance

Christina Tom

PH 2014 (School Poems), PH 2014 (School Poets), School Genre - Hope, School Genre - Humanity, School Genre - Imagination, School Genre - Peace, School Genre - Tolerance, St.Mary's Catholic High School

Leiganne H. Fernandes