Think of others
As you fix your breakfast [PAUSE] think of others.
Don’t forget to feed the pigeons.
As you fight in your wars [PAUSE] think of others.
Don’t forget those who desperately demand peace.
As you pay your water bill [PAUSE],
think of others who drink the clouds’ rain.
As you return home, your home [PAUSE] , think of others.
Don’t forget those who live in tents.
As you sleep and count planets [PAUSE] , think of others.
There are people without any shelter to sleep.
As you express yourself using all metaphorical expressions [PAUSE] , think of others who lost their rights to speak.
As you think of others who are distant [PAUSE] , think of yourself and say [PAUSE]
‘I wish I was a candle to fade away the darkness.
About The Poet
Bashar Mohamed Al Maazmi loves swimming, paddle, painting, gardening, and public speaking. He’s been an emcee at many of Manzil’s events, always bringing great energy and confidence to the stage. He’s also passionate about poetry and loves reading poems in his free time. That’s why he’s super excited to be part of the Poetic Heart event, where he’ll get to share his love for words and storytelling!