Sonnet for Our Mothers
She keeps everlasting visions alive
Our mothers, loving us all so we thrive
Through school days, through anything and beyond,
For love of a familial, loving bond
Against the rosy cheek of young children,
Alove muchstronger than words have written.
So hugherclose, perhaps minutes longer
A smile will blossom, your bond grows stronger.
Don’t forget those eyes which gave you reason
To believe in life, and better seasons.
To traipse closer to more beautiful days,
Thanks to mum’s love, and her nurturing ways.
Look how our mothers raise us to the sky!
Herlove is what gives us hope, what gave us life.
Hadil Trabelsi, a second-year interior design student at Abu Dhabi University, presenting her original poem, “Sonnet for Our Mothers”, written in the style of a love letter for mothers all over.