The fire within me is all I need
To charge ahead
To rise and succeed
There’s no need to beg and plead
There is no help I seek
To see the opportunities around me
The flame inside me is more than enough
To stand on my feet and be tough
Validation won’t forge my route
When I have my own inner pursuit
And you too must understand
The fire in you will help you take a stand
As tis’ is your guide
To bring light through the darkest night
Emotions stored will lead your climb
Till you hold your head high in cloud nine
About The Poet
Vedicka Jayanth is a student of Credence High School.she is presenting her poem “Fire”
Fire for her is the drive to fulfill your goals and passion. She believe that we all
have a fire burning within us that guides us through your highs and lows.
According to her, it is the invisible energy in me inspires me to leap higher
Fire for her is the drive to fulfill your goals and passion. She believe that we all
have a fire burning within us that guides us through your highs and lows.
According to her, it is the invisible energy in me inspires me to leap higher