Echoes of tomorrow
In a world of haste and fleeting trends,
Where nature’s beauty often ends,
We gather here, united strong,
To build a future that lasts for long.
With hands entwined and hearts ablaze,
We’ll plant the seeds of greener days,
Where skies are clear and waters pure,
Where nature’s wonders will endure.
From concrete jungles we’ll break free,
And let the earth breathe easily,
With forests vast and meadows wide,
Where creatures roam with joyful stride.
Let’s harness sun and wind’s embrace,
And leave behind a fossil-free chase,
With energy clean and skies so blue,
Our planet’s health will shine anew.
About the Poet
Ibrahim Quasar is a student of the Pristine Private School. Amidst fleeting trends and fading nature, “Echoes of Tomorrow” ignites a defiant hope. This powerful poem rallies us to build a future resonating with resilience. With entwined hands and blazing hearts, we’ll plant verdant seeds for skies untainted, waters pure, and creatures wild. Casting off concrete chains, we’ll breathe life into an earth gasping for freedom, embracing clean energy and a tapestry woven with the threads of sustainable harmony. Let every voice and spirit rise, building a future echoing with verdant life, where every breath sings of a planet finally healed.