Unbreakable Values
كم من حرب ٍ خاضَها الإنسان
دمّرت الأرضَ و قتلت الزّهرَ والألوان !
تصادمٌ و حروبٌ في كلّ مكان ..
حقدٌ و كرهٌ يقتلُ الوجدان ..
ألسنا جميعا من آدمَ و حواءَ..
فلنكن متكاتفين كالبنيان ..
ولننظر إلى الإنسان لا إلى الأعراقِ والأديان ..
هيّا لننبذَ العنفَ و نعيشَ في أمان ..
لنعمّرَ الأرضَ و نبنيَ الأوطان ..
لنحيي القيمَ و المبادئَ و الإحسان..
في كلّ بقاع ِ العالم ِ نحنُ إخوان ..
نريدُ الفرحَ لا الأحزان ..
نريدُ النّجاحَ لا الخذلان ..
نزرعُ الأمانَ لا العدوان ..
نعم ..خُلقنا لنتعايشَ في هذا الزّمان
بمحبّة ٍ كما أمرَ الرَّحمن .
About the Poet
Sara Zaid Kasem is a 9th grade student representing Al Mawakeeb School Al Barsha. When Sara was 6 years old, her passion for playing the guitar started. She then started singing along, and writing lyrics for the music she performed on the guitar, and so her passion to poetry developed. The ability to express one’s feelings through poetry is what poetry means to Sara. One of Sara’s favorite things to do is to add guitar to poetry, which is incredibly beautiful to listen to. Additionally, Sara has participated in numerous Model UN conferences, received multiple awards, and she enjoys researching and debating. In contrast, cycling and volleyball are two of Sara’s passions. She enjoys participating in the sport since, in her opinion, sport is one of the most significant parts of an individual. Therefore, Sara will continue to strive and improve in all her talents and hobbies. She will not give up and she will continue to write poetry, and maybe someday she will compose her musical piece.