The Renaissance of Nations
بفضلها القيم.. ستنهض الأمم
تعيش كل مجدٍ.. تسمو إلى القمم
وتنهض وتبني.. و تهزم العدم
وتصطفي أجيالاً.. سلاحها القلم
عنوانها السماحُ .. الأخلاقُ و الكرم
تعيشُ في سلامٍ.. تقومُ كالهرم
تصنعُ الازدهارَ .. تستنهضُ الهمم
دروسٌ إنسانية .. من أروع النعم
تعايشٌ فكريٌّ .. تآلفٌ و قِيم
أديانٌ، ثقافاتٌ.. تزهو وتنسجم
تسيرُ في ثباتٍ.. دوماً بكلِّ حزم
تعايشٌ، تواصلٌ .. ترسيخٌ للقيمْ
About The Poet
Lara’s journey with poetry began when she was only 7 years old and her journey with music began when she was 12 years old. She was the youngest member (only 15 years old) in the Firdaus Orchestra the official orchestra of Dubai Expo 2020. However her passion for both began way before. Music and poetry are a part of her, without them she cannot be Lara. She believes that music and poetry are interconnected and complement one another, and that’s why when she recites the poems she writes, she always adds Kanun music in the background, performed by her. Together they are able to create a real masterpiece. Lara has been part of the poetic heart amazing family since she was a child, and this year will be her final year as she will be graduating from school . Therefore, she hopes she can reach as many hearts as possible with her poetry and music…