What a selcouth bond life has with one;
One tick tickles you so that your eyes tell,
tell about the euphoria that settles around.
And one tock torments you so that your eyes tell,
tell about the abyss of adversity around.
What a great weapon is the mind of one;
One tick its zest is at its zenith,
and one tock it must have nada but intend to struggle,
struggle even when hearts quiver.
What is it that one should do,
when nothing is seen but doom?
The days you spend in solitude,
are the days you find your strength to bloom.
What is the source of these haunting sorrows?
No matter the barrow,
one must break the endless darkness.
And lead their tears towards a new dawn.
Remain not a trampled flower,
one which laments time and time again.
But be one which grows as lucent as a living inferno,
one which eats anything and everything in its way.
About the Poet
Zunairah Adeeb Bhatti, a student of grade IX in Islamiya English School, Abu Dhabi. She is passionate about poetry as she believes that – “A good poem is a contribution to reality. The world is never the same once a good poem has been added to it.”