Navigating a sea of emotions
By Priyanshi Joshi
If disappointment ever decides
to sink his poisonous fangs
upon your skin,
remember that hope
will provide you with the antidote.
whenever fear tries
to glue your feet to the ground,
and he clips your wings
so that you do not fly,
anger will stitch you a new pair,
adorned with the feathers
of every person
who tried to hold you back.
and believe me,
you will soar.
should you ever fall,
silence will always be there
to catch you.
silence will cradle you
in her comforting arms;
she’ll whisper in your ear,
“you do not owe anyone an explanation”,
and silence will assure you
that you only have to speak
once you are ready to.
there may come a time
when loneliness chases after you.
do not run.
loneliness will take his two good hands
and place them around your neck;
he will try so hard to suffocate you,
to leave you in the dark.
bring him closer.
embrace him.
loneliness has spent his entire life
feeling as though he will never be enough.
now he cannot help
but reflect his suffering onto others.
show him that he is loved,
that you’re loved,
and he will be forced to move on.
happiness and sadness
are conjoined twins.
if happiness is the heart,
then sadness is what allows it to beat.
have faith in them both;
greet them with outstretched palms.
they’ll hold your hand
and guide you through
this terrifying, wonderful
and often difficult journey we call