Mandeera Ranthini Kosgahakumbura
Mandeera is a student at The Sheffield Private School, Dubai. While topping the Grade 8 trinity college London examination in vocals. She has also complet ed the LAMDA Verse and Prose Gold Medal Examination with Distinction and London College of Music (LCM) Piano Forte exams, up-to grade 7. Mandeera has achieved many accomplishments in her music career. These include a Grand winner of the ‘Dubai Singing Sensation’ in 2017. She was also a finalist at the ‘Best of the Best’ competition organized by GEMS Education, UAE and at the ‘WAFI Super Stars’ in 2017. She was among the top 10 at the ‘Little Star’ show, a Nationwide singing competition in Sri Lanka in 2009. Mandeera would be captivating us with her original song “That’s When You’ll Start’.