Trust Yourself
Hello is anyone there?
Go away I just want to disappear…
I’m lonely, can someone talk to me?
I can’t trust you, leave me be.
It’s silent, but why is it so noisy
It’s dark, but I see all the pain and possibilities
It’s spacious, but it feels so cramped and tiny
What do I really want?
Why can’t I trust anybody?
I’m clueless… there’s so much pain and sorrow
I try to trust but it ends up being hollow
What’s the purpose in living if everyone disappoints you?
What’s the purpose of trying when your efforts serve no value?
There’s no one… in this abyss of isolation
I distance myself without any hesitation
But I try, I try over and over again
Just for someone to hear my cries in this sorrowful rain
I can do it, I can be whole, not broken
Keep fighting, do not give in
You have a purpose, a meaning in this life
The solution is to live, not the afterlife
You can trust your family
You can trust your friends
You can live happily
Until your life ends
All you need to do…
Is trust yourself
About the Poet
Winona Santos Cuyugan, is a Grade 9 student from The Sheffield Private School – Dubai.