I don’t recognize myself, as though I’ve become unknown.
I suppose I am their home.
Not one composed of bricks and mortar,
Rather the very soil that’s held it all from the footsteps of the largest of creatures
To the humans who continue to bruise and scar,
My beguiling, delicate like features.
I’m unlike any other,
For one has the greatest responsibility when one is a mother,
I’m aware of every dream, I helped make come true,
Yet it was your inhumane actions that felt like I was beshrewed.
I was loved until your hands ruined me, and left me feeling used.
But I am far more than just another celestial body.
Capable of greater things that lie beyond the horizon of what you can see.
Because I have been through storms, crashes, twists and turns.
I have had my hands cut down, as the though the branches that continue to feed you you didn’t matter.
I have a scorching, recalescent core that so passionately engulfs me and it burns.
I dare to have let you do it alll, break, crumble, disintegrate and shatter.
But I shall stand through it all.
Cause the winds of adversity can’t sweep me of my feet.
Have the tales of warriors ever failed to mention their greatest fall,
Cause I’ll still be who I am, even when you make me bleed.
At times I may blow up unexpectedly with whirl pools, earthquakes and hurricanes.
And I may have taken a few hits, but I’ll always be the one who retells all the stories, just take a look at my tolerant appearance.
I’m not afraid to call myself brilliant.
Cause my journey hasn’t been easy, but I’ve made it, by being resilient.
And you know why they call me mother, well, it’s because I’ve taken care of every being to have been birthed.
But you may know me as the only planet with life, with a heart, Mother Earth!
About The Poet
Ishanvi is a student of The Millennium School, Dubai, currently studying in Grade 9. She is an ardent reader(particularly fond of the works of John Green), who finds immense pleasure in penning down poems and creating art. She is a cordial soul who engages in thespian pursuits. She recently has begun learning to play the guitar because music is something she greatly loves. She’s always open to new ideas and experiences.