Battlefield Of Life
What does one do when faced with such troubling times?
A sad, mellow tune the old clock chimes,
With each passing day things just seem to get worse, Has an evil spell been cast, a pernicious curse?
What then does one do when all seems lost?
When rest is sought after no matter the cost,
When the heart is perturbed and worried,
When happiness never feels guaranteed.
When enduring everyday feels useless,
When our lives and souls are truce less,
But we have to remember we have no limitations,
For the things that hurt us the most are our expectations.
But we do have a kind friend you see,
Something full of peace and harmony,
It gives us hope of a better day,
It has always helped us find the right way.
It’s inside each and every one of us,
It clears away the doubt and all the fuss,
Tomorrow is not promised, you often hear it say,
So be sure to do whatever you can today.
Resilience is a gift that each one must pursue,
Don’t forget its blessings whatever you’re going through,
It sets you free just like a bird that’s waited for so long,
To find its path, to find where it belongs.
So heed my command and take my advice,
For sitting and crying will never suffice,
So rise up brave solider and take for the battlefield!
And don’t forget your will power core shield!
About the Poet
Ruth Yared Abebe, is a Grade 8 student from Merryland International School
Ruth is a voracious reader, and her knowledge is reflected in her writing. She has a flair for writing poems .Her competency, creativity and sensitivity is reflected in all her poems .Besides writing, she possesses commendable debating skills. Playing the piano is her hobby. She says that she doesn’t give up till she masters a difficult piece