The Rose That Grew from Concrete
I’ll never understand society
Do they want to see her broken?
Weakened by the hatred that seep within their words
Words sharper than knives that pierce through her one by one
As she walks this Earth with shoulders falling forwards, and tears filling up in her eyes
She goes through crowds unspoken, unheard, and unwanted
There is nothing pretty about the damage, pain, and heartache they’ve brought to her
But she isn’t the wreckage they believe her to be
She’s the rose that grew from concrete
With her own strength, resilience, and fortitude
She will rise to stand on her own two feet
To become the most beautiful rose you ever did see
Pushing against all the odds stacked up against her
She learned to rise up, realising her potential
And this stunning display of courage
Is what I wish society would encourage
About the Poet
Mariah Atif is a student of GEMS Cambridge International Private School, Sharjah. She has been writing since she was 12 years old.