The Kingdom of Heaven
By Wael Al Sayegh
The Kingdom of Heaven is not for the sinless
Its for the sinful that stopped sinning
When they could have easily continued
Just as a baby learns to walk by fallings
Souls learn to be Divine, by being not Divine
Why else would The Divine call himself
The All Merciful and the All Forgiving?
You are molded from mud
So why attempt to live so pristine?
You are earth bound
So why insist on flying with angels?
Just as healthy kid needs to return home
With scarped knees and bleeding elbows
We also need to return
to the door steps of the Divine
With the dirt of sin, smeared on our faces,
With the wounds and scares of moral risks taken
but not accomplished.
Then, with our mud stained feet.
we may be granted entry
into the kingdom of heaven.