A Small Spring
By Dr K. Satchidanandan
A small spring,
That a casket can contain,
Or the pupil of an eye.
So intense were its
Colours and odours
It couldn’t have lasted long-
Like some adolescent loves
A small spring,
Like a Flame of the Forest
In full bloom unaware of
The arrival of winter.
Why did it vanish so fast,
I asked the wind
A drizzle was the reply.
It had some floating petals
That God had kept as bookmarks
In Life’s account book.
I could not decipher the script
As they were dried up, wrinkled.
A small spring,
More scorching than summer,
Burning with pleasure.
I stopped kissing anyone
Except solitude in its
Tight black gown.
I open the windows wide:
Suppose it comes back like
The spilt wine returning to the cup
Shouting with passion,
‘Come and lift me up!’
A small spring, a pang,
My lips quiver with desire