Are you in control?
I am really curious to know
How much in control you actually think you are
When the fact of the matter is
Your entire universe
Can be flipped upside down
In less than a heartbeat?
Your mountains of authority and security
Can float away, like clouds
By all means, plan, forecast, anticipate
And secure and make provisions all you want
But at the end of the day
When push comes to shove
When the sun sets and moon rises
You control nothing!
Don’t believe me?
Ok then. Stop breathing. Go ahead. I will wait.
Stop your breathing for 2 minutes. Just 2 minutes.
Or better yet, stop your heart from beating for 1 minute.
Go ahead, I have all the time in the world, Iv cleared my schedule, just for you.
Your ego may not like it
Your mind may not understand it
But you cannot deny it.
The most intimate of things in your life
Are being done to you and through
Real Freedom is not in the absence of limits
Or doing what you want, when you want, or how you want it
It’s in the complete surrender to the Power
That breathes you
At the bottom of the dark well
of your life.