Love of the homeland / حب الوطن
My homeland,
Who is there to love more than you and who is there to miss more than you?
My love for you never breaks as time passes,
No matter how hard it is, my love for you is that eternal love,
It is that incipient love, a love that is free from impurities and not broken by calamities
You are my bond and the wall of time
You are my pride and glory … you are my homeland.
Forgive me … if my letters betray me and my poems will not do me justice,
No matter how much my poems are decorated with rhymes, I beg your pardon, as I will never do you equity even if I live double my age.
من لي بغيركَ معشوقًا فأعشقهُ
من لي بغيركَ محبوبًا أشتاقُ لهُ
حبّي لكَ لا ينكسرْ
على مرِّ العمرْ
ومهما قسا الدّهرْ
حبُّكَ هو ذاك الحبُّ الخالدْ
هو ذاك العشقُ التالدْ
حبٌّ يخلو من الشوائبْ
ولا تكسرُهُ النوائبْ
أنتَ سندي وجدارُ الزمنْ
أنتَ العزةُ والشموخْ …أنتَ الوطنْ
وطني..أرجو المعذرةْ ..إن خانتني حروفي
ولن تجديني قصائدي مهما ازدانت بالقوافي
وأرجو العفو منكَ..
فلن أوفيَكَ حقَّكَ..
حتى لو ازدادَ عمري عُمراً
About The Poet
Sara Zaid Kasem represents Al Mawakeeb School Al Barsha, in the Poetic Heart 2021.
She is in the seventh grade and his eleven years old. Her hobbies are writing and reciting eloquent Arabic poetry and playing the guitar
The reason for writing the poem of love for the homeland is because the nation is the most beautiful poem in the universe. The homeland is the four directions, for everyone who seeks for a direction. Love of the homeland does not need bargaining, it does not need an auction, it does not need an argument, it does not need resonant slogans, and it does not need thousands of words because it is strong and genuine love that cannot be split or broken, and the homeland is the heart that inhabits us … and the spirit that travels in us. And the love that runs in our veins.